Do you love Maine as much as we do?
We are so grateful to the partners and sponsors who make it possible for us to share the stories and products from throughout the state.
Find out more.
We customize sponsorship to fit within the story of the show. Send inquiries to our Sales Director and learn more about our sponsorship packages starting at $5,000 and up.
Possible sponsorship opportunities include:
drink pairings
closed captioning
“short stories” (we produce + film your ads that air during the show; they will contribute seamlessly to the whole episode story)
or even featuring your restaurant’s chef as an episode host
and more!
Our Audience.
Our viewers live across the entire state of Maine.
They are savvy consumers who are invested in supporting Maine’s local economy.
Our retail sponsors report that they’ve sold out of inventory featured on our show.
The experience doesn’t stop at the end of the episode.
Our sponsors are featured across YouTube, Pinterest, our recipe platforms and more!
We have built a community of businesses and organizations working together to strengthen all of our brands and Maine’s economy, while keeping Mainers well-fed and healthy.