Episode 106: Thanksgiving Part Two

I hate that people think squash are only decorative. They will come in and buy these incredible works of nature’s art and then let them rot on their doorstep. I wish they would eat them, because they are such favorites. 

-Robin Beckwith 

While last week’s episode focused on all things turkey, this episode celebrates the other half of the meal: Pies, Apps and Side Dishes. And the heart of a lot of these recipes is the gorgeous heirloom squash that we learn about at Beckwith’s Garden Farm in Yarmouth. Robin devotes herself to learning about varieties of squash grown the world over, their heritage and how they have been used throughout time. Then she orders seeds from high-quality producers around the globe so she can share these beloved gems with her customers at the Farmers Market. 

Chef takes several varieties of Robin’s harvest to create such (new) favorites as roasted squash with espresso-soaked Raisins and an Heirloom Pie that will be the showstopper come dessert time. Maggie shares her anti-pumpkin spice coffee drink and we wrap up with The Day After sandwich, which was a guest favorite when Chef was at the restaurant. 

Bonus: Chef has made a Thanksgiving Timeline for you to print and reference so you can be extra organized and relaxed on the big day. OK, “relaxed” might be stretching it, but we promise you will have more time to enjoy all of this glorious food. 

During this time of giving thanks, we extend an extra warm hug to all of you who have supported Plate the State in its inaugural season. It means the world to see the dream of this show come true. 


Episode 107: Apples


Episode 105: Thanksgiving Part One