Episode 107: Apples

Walking around orchards makes me very happy. You get to see months of labor translate. Especially here. It's easy to grow the apples everyone knows, but to commit to to growing the weird and exotic varieties is really very special.

-Sean Turley, "The Righteous Russett"

Apples are unique in that you can plant a seed from a small red apple and end up with a huge green one! The genetic diversity of these fruits is astounding and keeps self-proclaimed apple nerd Sean Turley endlessly curious and impressed. In today's episode, we stroll through the beautiful orchards at The Apple Farm in Fairfield to learn about heirloom varieties and remind people to research what apples are best for their cooking needs--cider apples aren't the greatest to use in a pie!

Orchard owners Marilyn and Steven Meyerhans share how they bought the orchard in 1974 with nothing but scant knowledge and naive passion about what farm life actually entails. Forty-seven years later? "I am tired," laughs Steven. "But never tired of apples."

In the kitchen, Chef Josh and Maggie challenge each other to create savory apple recipes--although Maggie sticks with her sweet tooth and makes an Apple Upsidedown Cake while Chef makes a roasted apple and local cheddar turnover with a mustard-kale salad that is perfect lunch. For the Leftover Idea, we share how to make a quick dessert with a pile of peelings and Maggie makes an apple-infused gin that is sure to warm the winter soul.


Episode 108: Pork


Episode 106: Thanksgiving Part Two